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Amount you own, in Danish Krone ?
Calculated on your khums due date.
Equivalent amount, in Danish Krone, of foreign currency you own ?
Calculated on your khums due date.
Debts owed to you that you expect to be repaid ?
Do not include this if it was accounted for in previous financial years.
In-kind possessions not used for sustenance ?
This includes buildings, farms, factories, commodities, work tools, and any household items or possessions not used for sustenance. Calculate these at present value if they were acquired with surplus income on which a year has not elapsed, and at cost price if they were acquired with surplus income on which a year has elapsed. If acquired with a combination of income, then calculate these at present value in relation to what was acquired with surplus income on which a year has not elapsed, and at cost price in relation to what was acquired with surplus income on which a year has elapsed.
Financial dues ?
This includes the due of key premium (surqufliah), the due of utilizing agricultural lands owned by the state, and the due of revival of lands which are fenced and prepared for residency. Calculate these at present value if they were acquired with surplus income on which a year has not elapsed, and at cost price if they were acquired with surplus income on which a year has elapsed. If acquired with a combination of income, then calculate these at present value in relation to what was acquired with surplus income on which a year has not elapsed, and at cost price in relation to what was acquired with surplus income on which a year has elapsed.
Amount you utilized prior to your khums due date ?
This is cash which was subject to khums prior to your khums due date, and which you have already spent (e.g. If this is the first year you pay khums, despite having needed to pay khums in previous years)
Fungible items you utilized prior to your khums due date ?
These are fungible items which were subject to khums prior to your khums due date, and which you have already utilized. Calculate these according to present value. Fungible items are those which are freely exchangeable or replaceable, in whole or in part, for another item of a similar nature, such as machinery or factory-produced fabrics.
Non-fungible items you utilized prior to your khums due date ?
These are non-fungible items which were subject to khums prior to your khums due date, and which you have already utilized. Calculate these according to their value at point of utilization. Non–fungible items are unique items, such as unique paintings, monuments, and unique jewelry.
Amount you already paid with intention of Sahm Al-Imam ?
Amount you paid with the intention of Sahm Al-Imam before your khums due date.
Amount you already paid with intention of Sahm Al-Sada ?
Amount you paid with the intention of Sahm Al-Sada before your khums due date.


Commercial debts ?
Include all commercial debts you still owe others.
Remaining sustenance debts taken in the financial year ?
Includes debts borrowed in the financial year for accommodation (mortgage), a car, etc. Please refer to more detailed rulings for accounting for mortgages.
Remaining sustenance debts taken in previous financial years ?
Includes debts borrowed in the previous financial year for accommodation (mortgage), a car, etc. The asset (house, car, etc.) must still be in your possession. Calculate only the amount that you have not deducted from your profits in previous financial years. Please refer to more detailed rulings for accounting for mortgages.
Amount you own which has already been subjected to khums ?
Calculated on your khums due date. Includes the remainder of funds that were subject to khums in previous years and on which you have already paid khums.
  1. 1) Your khums due date is the first day you started your job or business. If you are retired or not in employment, then you can agree a khums due date with a representative of the marja’a, or calculate separate khums years for each profit that you make, from the date you made that profit.
  2. 2) The khums of commercial commodities and real estate(s) which are intended for trading, should be paid in accordance with their current market value, even if they were bought with profits which a year has elapsed on, unless the price at which they were bought is higher than the current value.
  3. 3) If the calculations show that the amount of khums due is negative as a result of sustenance debts, then the amount of the sustenance debt equivalent to the amount of khums due for the rest of the item is calculated and excluded.
  4. 4) If sustenance debts are fully repaid in the financial year, this amount is excluded from the profits.
  5. 5) Possessions which are not subject to khums are:
    1. a. Possessions owned through inheritance:
    2. i. Cash
    3. ii. Real Estate
    4. iii. Objects that are transferrable and the like
    5. b. Possessions owned by the wife from the dowry (mahr):
    6. i. Cash
    7. ii. Gold Jewellery
    8. iii. Home furniture and the like
    9. c. Possessions used for personal or family provisions from the profits of that financial year:
    10. i. Home residence
    11. ii. Home furniture and other household items
    12. iii. Gardens used for leisure and to personally benefit from their fruit
    13. iv. Personal or family cars
    14. v. Animals that are benefited from by the household such as a cow for milk or a chicken for eggs
    15. d. Debts owed by others that you do not expect to be repaid.
    16. e. Items purchased through debt that has not yet been repaid.

Total amount subject to Khums 0kr

Khums Due 0kr

Sahm al Imam to be paid 0kr

Sahm al Sada to be paid 0kr

Email me Khums report

Hvorfor give til Al-Ayn?

Al-Ayn har tilladelse (Ijaza) til at bruge 100% af dit Khums på forældreløse børn, der lever i fattigdom. Denne Ijaza er blevet underskrevet og stemplet direkte af Al-Sayyid Al-Sistani selv. En kopi af Ijaza kan ses her samt direkte på hans hjemmeside. Læs mere

Dit Khums vil blive brugt på at yde væsentlige tjenester til forældreløse børn i nød og løfte dem ud af fattigdom. Tusinder af mennesker giver regelmæssigt deres Khums til Al-Ayn. Det kan du også.

Hvordan beregner jeg, hvor meget Khums jeg skal betale?

Beregn dit Khums ved hjælp af vores regnemaskine eller anmod om en gratis tilbagevenden opkald for at besvare dine spørgsmål.


Khums-betalinger deles i to lige store dele:

  1. Imamens andel – Sahm Al-Imam: Denne del bruges til velgørende formål efter den jurists (marja’as) skøn.
  2. Saadaa’s andel – Sahm Al-Sada: Denne del bruges til dem i nød fra Hashims afstamning (Hashims familie navn stammer fra profet Muhammeds oldefar).


Hvordan bruger vi Khums-donationer?

Khums-donationer, der modtages af Al-Ayn, anvendes til at yde væsentlig støtte til forældreløse børn, primært i form af månedlige økonomiske ydelser for at løfte dem ud af fattigdom. Dette gælder både Sahm Al-Imam og Sahm Al-Sada donationer*.

  • Hvis du gerne vil have din Khums-donation brugt specifikt på et af vores Sadaqa Jariya-projekter, bedes du kontakte os, og vi kan ansøge på dine vegne om tilladelse til det fra kontoret for Al-Sayyed Ali Al-Sistani.
  • Sahm Al-Sada fordeles til forældreløse børn af Hashimi-afstamning, defineret i henhold til retslige krav. Vi har en aftale med kontoret for Al-Sayyed Al-Sistani om at udveksle eventuelle overskydende Sahm Al-Sada donationer med Sahm Al-Imam donationer for at blive fordelt til andre forældreløse børn.
Betaling af din Khums Via Bankoverførsel

Hvis du foretager en donation via bankoverførsel, beder vi dig om at bruge den relevante donationskode fra listen nedenfor som reference og tilføje dit Supporter ID, hvis du har en. Vi kan derefter tildele din donation i overensstemmelse hermed.

For at bekræfte status for din bankoverførsel efter at have foretaget den, skal du klikke her.


Arbejderens Landsbank
Kontonavn: Al Ayn Almennyttig Fond

Reg.nr. 5327                                                                                      Konto nr. 0245668

IBAN: DK4753270000245668
MobilePay: 566 227

Al-Sayyed Ali Al-Sistanis Direkte Ijaza (Skriftlig Tilladelse)

Al-Ayn Social Care Foundation har direkte Ijaza (skriftlig tilladelse) fra Al-Sayyed Ali Al-Sistani til at modtage religiøse bidrag (Khums) til brug på forældreløse børn. Tilladelsen omfatter begge dele af Khums (Sahm Al-Imam og Sahm Al-Sada), og den præcise mængde af din Khums-donation vil gå til at støtte forældreløse børn.

Link til Ijaza klik her


Betydningen af Khums

Islam præsenterer menneskeheden for en komplet pakke. Den håndterer vores forhold til andre skabninger af Gud, såvel som vores eget forhold til Gud. De økonomiske ansvar, som Islam lærer os, berører dog begge dele. Fra den ene side er det en form for tilbedelse og et middel til at komme nærmere Gud. Fra en anden side er det en handling med at dele den rigdom, som Gud har givet os, til formål tilladt af Sharia.

En af de store økonomiske forpligtelser, som befalingen af Qur’ān[1] og forklaret af Ahl al-Bayt [a], er khums – den en-femtedel afgift. Den er anderledes end zakāt al-māl, da sidstnævnte kun vedrører bestemte former for velstand over visse tærskler.

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Giv Min Khums Online

Vær venlig altid at specificere, hvis din Khums kun er af en del, Sahm Al-Imam eller Sahm Al-Sada.