Over 97,000 orphaned children are receiving comprehensive care in addition to monthly financial support in Iraq.
1. Fastlæggelse af khums-forfaldsdato: Din khums-forfaldsdato er den første dag, du begyndte dit arbejde eller din virksomhed. Hvis du er pensioneret eller ikke i beskæftigelse, kan du enten aftale en khums-forfaldsdato med en repræsentant for din marja’, eller du kan beregne separate khums-år for hver fortjeneste, baseret på datoen for hver opnået fortjeneste.
2. Handelsvarer og fast ejendom til erhvervsmæssig brug: Khums på handelsvarer og fast ejendom, der er tiltænkt handel, skal beregnes ud fra deres nuværende markedsværdi, selvom de blev købt med overskud, som er mere end et år gammelt. Dette gælder dog kun, hvis den aktuelle markedsværdi er højere end købsprisen; hvis købsprisen overstiger markedsværdien, skal den oprindelige købspris anvendes.
3. Beregning ved negativt khums-beløb på grund af forsørgelsesgæld: Hvis beregningen af khums resulterer i et negativt beløb på grund af eksisterende forsørgelsesgæld, skal det beløb af forsørgelsesgælden, som svarer til det skyldige khums-beløb, trækkes fra den samlede beregning. På den måde bliver kun den resterende del af overskuddet underlagt khums.
4. Tilbagebetalt forsørgelsesgæld inden for regnskabsåret: Hvis forsørgelsesgæld er blevet fuldt tilbagebetalt inden for det pågældende regnskabsår, skal dette beløb fratrækkes fortjenesten og dermed undtages fra khums-beregningen.
5. Ejendele undtaget fra khums: Visse ejendele er undtaget fra khums og omfatter følgende kategorier:
Disse undtagelser sikrer, at de nævnte ejendele og gæld ikke indgår i khums-beregningen
Samlet beløb, der skal betales khums af 0 DKK
Skyldig khums 0 DKK
Beløb til Sahm al Imam, der skal betales 0 DKK
Beløb til Sahm al Sada, der skal betales 0 DKK
Your support can provide orphaned children and their families in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Ghana with financial aid, healthcare, safe housing and more, enabling them to thrive and build a better future for themselves and their communities.
This is a powerful way to honour the spirit of Muharram and make a real difference to their lives. Join us as we embrace this time with open hearts and help orphaned children recover from the deep wounds of trauma and loss.
Give to our Muharram Fund today.
Muharram is one of the most sacred months in the Islamic calendar. It is a time in which the act of giving is greatly emphasised, and it is a time to fulfil our obligation to those who are struggling.
Donations towards our Muharram fund will support the various needs of orphaned children, their families and their guardians. Donations will be allocated between Iraq, Afghanistan and Ghana according to need.
Make a one-off donation or create your own affordable monthly donation today. Every penny is spent directly on the children and their families, and could help sustain a family in need of financial aid, medical care, safe housing, food support, and more.
By providing children with the resources they need, we can unlock their infinite potential, lift them out of poverty, and enable them to lead better lives. Every child deserves equal opportunities to learn, explore, and believe in the endless possibilities of their future.
Over 97,000 orphaned children are receiving comprehensive care in addition to monthly financial support in Iraq.
Over 600 orphaned children in Afghanistan and Ghana are registered with Al-Ayn receiving monthly financial aid to lift them out of poverty.
Since its establishment over a decade ago, Al-Ayn has enjoyed the direct support and blessings of Al-Sayyid Al-Sistani. This encompasses his authorisation to receive religious dues and donations. The official and latest Authorisation (Ijaza) from his eminence can be read in full by clicking the link below.
Al-Ayn is on the ground in Iraq providing support to over 97,000 orphaned children across the country.
Since 2006, thousands of orphaned children have gained security, stability, and long-term well-being through Al-Ayn. However, many orphaned children are still in need of support.
Join us today in making a difference in the lives of orphaned children in Iraq.
In Afghanistan, an unparalleled humanitarian crisis is unfolding, with an estimated 95% of the population facing food insecurity. Orphaned children remain among the most vulnerable – poverty, violence, and displacement have left them in urgent need of vital humanitarian aid and essential services.
Al-Ayn has been working on the ground in Afghanistan to build sustainable, effective, and dignified services for orphaned children. This includes monthly financial aid, food, health care, housing support, and other essential needs.
Children in Ghana are among the most affected by poverty; they have a 40% higher likelihood of being impoverished than adults, a startling 15% increase since the 1990s.
Orphaned children in Ghana are often among the most vulnerable. They may have lost one or both of their parents, their home, their community, and their sense of security.
Your support can help towards providing orphaned children in Ghana with financial assistance, food, clothing, accommodation, and much more.
Donations towards our Muharram fund will support the various needs of orphaned children, their families and their guardians. This includes financial aid, healthcare, safe housing, food support, and more. Donations will be allocated between Iraq, Afghanistan and Ghana according to need.
Al-Ayn has specific programs and projects that are designed to benefit our beneficiaries in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Ghana. Our expertise and resources are allocated to where they are needed. Your Muharram charity contributions allow us to continue to support and expand our programmes in the countries where Al-Ayn operates.
Al-Ayn cannot provide updates on individual children supported through your Muharram donations. However, Al-Ayn does share regular updates regarding the progress and impact of our projects
Yes, when you donate for Muharram you can stop your monthly donation at any time. We understand that circumstances may change, and you may no longer be able to contribute regularly. To cancel your monthly donation, please reach out to our team.